Orange Business: A leading network and digital integrator

orange business is here

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A unique trusted partner

Orange Business is the Orange Group entity dedicated to businesses and organizations. Our unique history as a telco operator and now an IT services company enables us to support the sustainable digital transformation of enterprise businesses worldwide.

The experience and diversity of our 30,000 employees, experts in B2B challenges around the world, are our greatest assets.
We defend an ethical, responsible and inclusive vision of digital technology, while helping businesses reimagine their services. This is how we create a positive impact for our customers, our employees and the planet.

"Our ambition is to be the leading European network and digital integrator to make digital transformation efficient and sustainable for businesses."

Aliette Mousnier-Lompré
CEO of Orange Business

What sets us apart?

We bring the rigor of a network and connectivity expert together with the agility of a global digital solutions integrator. We combine global presence with a local approach to get the most out of digital technology, from networks and cloud to data and service platforms.

An ethical, responsible and inclusive vision of digital

Putting trust at the heart of our commitment

At a time when businesses are accelerating their digitalization, trust is key. Our role is to guarantee the protection of their data by identifying and controlling potential risks throughout the entire digital value chain.

Innovating for a sustainable future

Digital and sustainable development go hand in hand. As a digital enterprise, Orange Business is committed to ensuring effective and sustainable digital transformation and to reducing the environmental impact of our activities, investing in digital sovereignty and promoting the ethical use of data.

Harnessing the power of data and AI

As a network and digital integrator specialized in data and AI, we enable technology to service humanity and the major challenges of our time. We take your projects from ideation to industrialization, integrating the best technologies available in the market.

A rare combination of strengths

A network and digital integrator that understands the entire digital value chain

An operator DNA, networks and platforms

These specific features ideally position us to build and operate the most complex infrastructures worldwide.

A broad spectrum of skills and an extensive network of partners

These assets give us the unique ability to orchestrate digital infrastructures at the intersection of connectivity, cloud and cybersecurity.

The trusted relationships we build with our clients

These relationships are based on a strong sense of ethics and the commitment of our employees. We are there for them in all circumstances, and they recognize and appreciate it.

Unmatched force in the market

No. 1

voice and data network worldwide

9 700

Digital experts


cloud data centers on five continents


Major Service Centers, covering all continents


partnerships with the best technology providers in the industry

Global presence, local service

The Orange network covers more than 200 Countries and territories covered, and our teams are present in 65 countries to deploy and monitor your networks and digital solutions on a daily basis.

Orange, a global network leader
unique digital services

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These cookies make it possible to share or react directly on the social networks to which you are connected or to integrate content initially posted on these social networks. They also allow social networks to use your visits to our sites and applications for personalization and targeting advertising.

A history that makes us a unique digital services player

From networks to the cloud via service platforms, we are backed by rich experiences, challenges met and bold innovations.

Proud of our unique evolution at the heart of the entire value chain of the digital world, resolutely turned towards the future, we have the stated ambition to become the reference European network and digital integrator. Discover the milestones in our history.