Helping the environment

Our focus: measuring and minimizing the ecological impact of our operations, while supporting our clients in their sustainable digital transformation.

Our goal: achieve net zero carbon by 2040.

Our commitments in figures


drop in CO2 emissions across scopes 1, 2 and 3 by 2030 compared to 2020


of electricity purchased from certified renewable sources by 2025


of used mobile phones collected annually by 2025

Putting our goals into action

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Green Act: our environmental transformation program

Launched in 2019, our Green Act program integrates environmental issues into our processes and those of our stakeholders through circular economy practices, optimization of energy consumption and methods for measuring and modeling our CO2 emissions.

  • 10% reduction in CO2 emissions from our headquarters between 2021 and 2022
  • 1.9 million reduction in CAPEX expenses in 2021 through equipment refurbishment
  • 30% reduction in CO2 emissions across scopes 1 and 2 compared to 2015
Our environmental policy

Our environmental policy

The new Orange Business environmental policy details the directions and commitments made under our Lead the Future strategy to reduce our carbon footprint by 45% by 2030.

  • Action plans and objectives within the framework of our Green Act program
  • Implementation of Environmental Management Systems at our sites in compliance with ISO 14001

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These cookies make it possible to share or react directly on the social networks to which you are connected or to integrate content initially posted on these social networks. They also allow social networks to use your visits to our sites and applications for personalization and targeting advertising.

Orange Business, Enedis and Cisco team up to design a router

In response to climate urgency, we strive to work in ecosystems with large companies, young startups, scientific researchers and other associations to co-innovate, develop technologically advanced services and accelerate ecological transition.

  • Data collection on building energy
  • Digital certificate with individual identification
  • Installation of +10,000 routers per year

A recognized environmental approach

ecovadis 2023

CSR assessment

Ecovadis evaluates the CSR policies of companies based on the following criteria:

  • Environmental policy
  • Ethical sense
  • Inclusion policy
  • Responsible purchasing
Certification ISO 14001

Environmental management

Nine Orange sites certified ISO 14001 for:

  • Improvement of environmental performance

  • Compliance with obligations

  • Achievement of environmental objectives

Science based targets

Carbon reduction

SBTi validates the carbon approach led by Orange based on the following criteria:

  • Adherence to the Paris Agreement goals

  • Reduction of carbon impact

Bouclier d’Or en réduction d’énergie

Energy reduction

Orange was awarded the Gold Shield and is entrusted with the CUBE Shield in the French Energy Saving Championship by pledging to:

  • Improve building operations

  • Implement light technical improvements

  • Adopt eco-gestures

question environnementale green act orange business

Assisting our clients and partners in their environmental transition

We continuously evolve our solutions for sustainable transformation by reducing the carbon footprint of our product portfolio through eco-design and by providing solutions for our clients’ environmental transition.

Green Act: our environmental transformation program

Find out how Orange Business can help your organization reduce its own environmental footprint.
