A three-stage deployment
Against a backdrop of energy transition and changes in its business activities, Petroineos, a company operating a refinery in the south of France, has been looking at its digital tools in order to improve its network architecture while strengthening its protection against cyber threats. "To meet this need, we identified Orange Business as the right partner to help us migrate to a hybrid cloud model, combining local infrastructure and data analysis," explains Gilles de Gouberville, IT Architect Team Leader, Petroineos.
"We started by carrying out an audit and needs analysis before defining the target architecture and developing an implementation strategy," he continues. The various platforms, such as Microsoft Azure or the data interface, were then implemented. In terms of applications, Petroineos has opted for containerization, enabling them to be run in all environments and on all infrastructures, regardless of the operating system.
Orange Business has provided a solid foundation that will enable us to continue our transformation smoothly, with our teams gradually adapting to this new environment.

Gilles de Gouberville, IT Architect Team Leader at Petroineos
A first step in transformation to the hybrid cloud
The DevOps approach provided methodological support for adopting to the Microsoft Azure cloud, while on the tech side, our own tools were developed to automate development. This two-pronged approach has enabled the new system to be implemented industrially, while keeping costs under control: "We now have a resilient, high-performance production platform that meets the site's business challenges," says a delighted Gilles de Gouberville.
The first production runs began in 2022. Today, two applications are in full use on a daily basis. Functionalities are being rolled out gradually, use case by use case. "The feedback over more than a year is positive, and specific uses are being developed," explains Gilles de Gouberville. In all, 2,000 people use the application to register and follow fire prevention training courses.
These results confirm the company's strategy of using the hybrid cloud to transform its application layer. "Our objective is to create a production tool, not a 'Proof of Concept': Orange is providing us with solid foundations that will enable us to continue our transformation smoothly, with teams who are making this new environment their own," concluded de Gouberville.
A relationship of trust with Orange Business
But the support didn't stop there: new synergies continue to emerge, particularly with the data team. For example, when it comes to web application architecture, Orange Business is involved in the choice of architecture, in the cloud or in local data centers. "We're not yet in a partnership, but rather we're being supported by proactive experts, as part of a co-construction approach," he explains. On the DevOps side, Orange Business also trains the Petroineos teams.
"We share a common vision and approach, and this is based on a relationship of trust," concludes Gilles de Gouberville, who emphasizes both the Orange Business technical expertise and its ability to communicate and involve employees in the change process. This is crucial to the success of a project of this scale.
application users