how citizens can use Social Media to attract attention

tamer.jpgTamer Ahmed from Orange Labs Cairo opened his presentation with the presentation of the New Delhi Traffic police Facebook page on which people post pictures of hit and run accidents and which other citizens can use to give tip offs to the Police in order to find runaway offenders (no personal comment on this one, although I understand that some may see it as an infringement on people's freedom to roam and privacy).

He pursued with (a site by CTC, the UK cyclists organisation) in which UK cyclists can report potholes in roads that need to be fixed. Tamer explains that Social Media can be used by citizens and netizens to attract attention on things that need to be mended even though normal procedures don't always work. Tamer also cracked a joke adding that if you had to mend all potholes in Egypt one would never have finished. 
Yann Gourvennec

I specialize in information systems, HighTech marketing and Web marketing. I am author and contributor to numerous books and the CEO of Visionary Marketing. As such, I contribute regularly on this blog for Orange Business account on cloud computing and cloud storage topics.