Orange Business Live 09 is Open

Orange Business Live is getting underway in London today, the delegates are arriving and checking in. I've just picked up my pack and I'm now off to have a look around the venue.

You'll be able to follow what's going either here or on our Posterous blog and also in real time (refreshing every 15 seconds) at

Everything we post about the event will also be available only by googling #orangelive09 (the hashtag we created for the live event)

Nicolas Jacquey
Rob Evans

Rob is the Group Head for Telecoms Sourcing for Western Europe and the Nordics and manages a team providing all aspects of Telecoms sourcing to Orange Business.  Rob owns the Commercial relationship with major carriers across Europe on behalf of Orange Business.  Cost reduction, re-negotiation, competitiveness and subsequent impact on country P&L are key activities that Rob drives across Western Europe.