an IT framework is needed to design a stadium 2.0

In the first two articles that you can find here:

when IT helps to transform emotion into revenue and profit

stadium 2.0, using IT to reconcile emotion and business

we are now going to see that an IT framework is needed to design a stadium 2.0 and also what to retain of that series of 3 articles written by Eric Lucas

Mention: This article was written by Eric Lucas, Senior Manager at Orange Consulting

an IT framework is needed to design a stadium 2.0

Technology is there to allow for a creative portfolio of differentiating experiences, we will give examples of, in a next stadium 2.0 issue.
IT–enabling emotion has no limits, except financial ones. Therefore, it is important to adopt a holistic architectural approach.

what to retain ?

If any, beware of the “one emotion fits all" syndrom :
The key is therefore to think carefully when designing YOUR attendees’ experiences, and iterate a virtuous reasoning :

At the end of these iterations , not only should you have a business model, but you will be close to YOUR unique value proposition, and be able to reach your attendees’ staisfaction and thus maximize your revenue.


Alexandra Operto

Entre Janvier 2010 et Juin 2011, j'ai travaillé dans l'équipe de communication externe chez Orange  Business Services en tant que community manager. Mon rôle était notamment d'animer les blogs d'Orange Business, et de les faire évoluer. Mais aussi de gérer la page Facebook, et le compte Twitter d'Orange Business @orangebusiness